Project K - Whats up K, KVM, KRE, KLR, KPM - ASP.NET 5 (vNext)

Please note: [Deprecated Content] This article is outdated now and lot of things have changed since it was written. Please refer / read to the newer version of the related article instead of the content below. Also follow along and learn about the latest bits on official ASP.NET Core documentation…

Glimpse for debugging and profiling ASP.NET MVC

If you are not using Glimpse to debugging and profiling ASP.NET web application then you are missing out on very useful stuff I must say. This NuGet package brings many handy information about your ASP.NET MVC application, which in turn can be useful and quick help to dig…

Primary key constraint on table in PostgreSQL

When you design your table, you choose to add a primary key constraint for one or more column while create the same. Column attached with primary key constraint should contain UNIQUE and NOT NULL values. We all know that. But PostgreSQL does not force this constraint while creating a new…

How to enable remote access to PostgreSQL database server

Once you have your PostgreSQL database server installed, up and running, due to security reasons by default remote access to connect with your database instance is disabled. If you try connecting with your PostgreSQL database server from client machine, you will encounter error. could not connect to server: Connection refused…

How To Install and Use PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 14.04

Ok so you know the blah blah of how PostgreSQL is awesome relation database (RDBMS) and great for reliable transactions, good for so many things, lots of enterprise features and gives concurrency without read locks and stuffs. If you are not aware of this RDBMS, then I would recommend you…

Nuget install / update error: Failed to initialize the PowerShell host

While using NuGet for installing, updating and maintaing libraries into your projects, you would have encountered following error: Failed to initialize the PowerShell host. If your PowerShell execution policy setting is set to AllSigned, open the Package Manager Console to initialize the host first. Following error was encounted when I…

Secure your data with ProtectedData and ProtectedMemory using C#

Microsoft OS (XP or later) and .NET provides finest way to secure your data for storage and in-memory. This can be accomplished using following classes from Data Protectection API * ProtectedData * ProtectedMemory Above mentioned classes can be found in System.Security.Cryptography namespace. Also known as part of DPAPI, they are…

MIME types to host ClickOnce deployment on any Web Server

You would have used ClickOnce deployment / publishing technique for your projects at some point. If not then I would recommend it as it serves as web based installer / setup with minimal configuration and very easy to learn / maintain and push updates. You can publish your project and host the deployment…