Base nuget packages for MVC and WebAPI

Started to learn MVC and WebAPI from scratch, have been working with non-web stuffs (mostly protocols and win-service) for a very long time and just want to get my head around with the Modern Microsoft way to do web stuffs using ASP.NET MVC and / or WebAPI. So I decided…

Multicasting and delegates in C#

One interesting feature of delegates in C# is that it provide ways to attach / detach more than one methods that has method signature similar to the delegate declared and combine them together. This combining or attaching / detaching of methods to a delegate is called Multicasting. Behind the scenes: This multicasting…

Short-circuiting in C#

There will be lot of situations when you have introduced boolean expressions in your code and in good times you might have also combined more than one boolean expressions to control your program flow. Boolean Expression Any expression that can produce a boolean result can be considered as boolean expression.…

Story of Mr. Robert Adair and the herbal roots

Spams and scams are all over the web. You encounter them almost everyday in your mail box. The email services tries to stay ahead of those spammers and sheild us well but sometimes these spam mails manage to land in your inbox. Most of the time your get it -…

AppDomain.FirstChanceException Event

One interesting feature that was introduced since .NET 4.0 was AppDomain.FirstChanceException FirstChanceException MSDN: Occurs when an exception is thrown in managed code, before the runtime searches the call stack for an exception handler in the application domain. This means that whenever an exception occurs in your managed code,…